Baptisms and Blessings

Babies • Children • Adults

  • Give a baby official name
  • Bless child's spiritual, emotional and physical welfare
  • Adult baptism

Based on service, length of ceremony and travel distance

$175 - $250

Military families discount recognized

My daughter, Reverend Rhonda Schienle, flew from Indiana to Idaho to perform a beautiful Baptism ceremony for me in March of 2013. I believe it was God's plan that my Baptism happened when and how it should. I was preparing for semi-retirement and had been putting off getting Baptized for years.

A pair of synchronicities occurred surrounding my Baptism that I'd like to share. Prior to my baptism, Rhonda and I had a long discussion about my upcoming retirement and using Faith in my life rather than existing on fear-based reactions to life. That night I watched Pastor Joel Osteen on TV and his sermon was about Faith.

The day of my Baptism ceremony was very special, both spiritually and emotionally, and having my daughter perform it certainly added to both. Little did I know that my own daughter would have a calling to become a Minister and would be the one chosen to perform my Baptism. I am so grateful for that.

The morning after my Baptism, I found myself watching TV and another show came on discussing how fear can paralyze one's life. The timing and confirmation about what I had been discussing with Rhonda and my Baptism and all that had been going on in my life leading up this point let me know that this was a Divine coincidence and there is a reason for everything.

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