Your Legacy

Your Legacy

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Image by: John Sarris Quotes

The other day I was live on my Facebook, talking about the subject of how other people play a role in your life.

There is a saying, some people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime. How poignant this is when you take a moment and give it some thought.

The question also becomes, is the person there to teach you something, uplift, change or challenge a belief system you may hold? All of these scenarios can happen over a lifetime.

What I have learned is how important it is to share with others how they have been instrumental in my sacred journey and thank them.

While facing stage 3 breast cancer in 2007, having a near death experience (NDE), undergoing 3 major surgeries and then my cancer trying to come back 1 year later, I encountered many of these people in my life. I was so blessed by a few of these very special people who helped me connect to who I am, which was a powerful healing experience.

The healing experience and journey took me on 3 separate pilgrimages to the South of France, England and Spain. To be specific, it was their knowledge, passion and connection I needed to bring forth the healing and empowering my Soul. It is not over yet, either. This sacred journey will include Scotland, too.

I already know my legacy, life and how I live is so blessed because of these wonderful people who crossed my path.

Thank you!

Rev. Dr. Rhonda Schienle