
Sacred Women’s Circle and Shamanism

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My mission has been the same for twenty years – I am committed to supporting the empowerment of women and all aspects of our spiritual community, as I serve Spirit and others with an open mind and heart. I provide counseling and guidance for personal and spiritual growth as well as the facilitation of women's groups and retreats.

As a long-time student of cross-cultural traditions and nature-based spirituality, my offerings have evolved over time to include many healing traditions that offer transformational deep inner work. My love of the natural world led me to the practices of shamanism. By bridging traditional psychology and intuitive tools with indigenous spirituality and healing practices, I support clients on their journey with sacredness and compassion.

As the author of The Wisdom of Circles: Gathering Women for Conscious Community, I have led women’s circle trainings for over one hundred women. By providing a safe and sacred container for women to share, we can expand our connection to the sacred and to one another, moving toward hope, oneness and love.

Web: Chrisfeatherheart.com
Phone: 847-525-2600
Email: Christinemoses11@gmail.com